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My Sister is Considering Divorce: How Can I Help?

Serving Families Throughout Bend
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Going through a divorce is never a pleasant experience, even if the relationship ends on the most amicable terms. If your friend or family member is going through a divorce, it is important they have as much support from loved ones as possible.

Read on to learn tips on how you can help your loved one through their divorce.

How You Can Help

If your loved one, like your sister, for example, is going through a divorce, the following are actions you can take to help reduce her difficulties:

  • Continue to invite her to do things with you, even if she doesn’t usually go.

    • Oftentimes, people don’t want to be a burden to others when they aren’t feeling 100%. Going through a divorce is stressful, complicated, and emotionally taxing. Your sister probably enjoys that you invite her to do things with you, even if she feels like she has to say no because she doesn’t feel up to it.

    • In addition to not wanting to be a burden, your sister may be lonely. If she’s used to spending most of her time with her partner and her family, she may feel lonesome now that she’s spending most of her time by herself.

  • If she has to move, help her with it.

    • The task of packing up items that contain family memories may be triggering for your sister. Going through all the items in her space may cause her to have feelings of confusion, pain, and doubt. Having you there with her may help distract her and reassure her that she’s making the right choice.

  • Listen, listen, and listen some more.

    • You may end up talking in circles, but that’s okay. In fact, talking it out is a good thing, even if it becomes repetitive. Keep in mind that your sister may not need or even want your advice. She just needs to know that you’re there for her and that you care about her. She needs a shoulder to cry on. Be that shoulder.

  • Don’t degrade her ex.

    • This may be tough, but it’s best not to say negative things about her ex. Her feelings about her ex may change from day to day, and you don’t want to make her feel like she can’t talk to you about it.

We’re Here For You (And Your Sister)

If you or someone you love is planning to go through with a divorce, the compassionate attorneys at Baxter Law are here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact our firm with your case right away.

Call Baxter Law today at (541) 238-9210 to speak with a Bend attorney about your case.
