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When Can A Juvenile Be Charged As An Adult in Oregon?

Serving Families Throughout Bend
Front doors to a juvenile detention center

As a parent or guardian of a juvenile who has been accused of a crime, you may be wondering when they can be charged as an adult in Oregon. This complex issue can have serious consequences for your child’s future. In this blog post, we will provide you with the information you need to understand when a juvenile can be charged as an adult in Oregon.

When Can A Juvenile Be Charged As An Adult In Oregon?

Oregon’s Measure 11

Oregon’s Measure 11 is a mandatory minimum sentencing law that applies to certain crimes committed by juveniles. If a juvenile is found guilty of one of the crimes listed under Measure 11, they can be charged as an adult and face adult sentencing. This means that they could be sentenced to a mandatory minimum of 5, 7, 10, or 25 years in prison, depending on the crime.

Crimes under Measure 11 include:

  • Murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Rape
  • Sodomy
  • Robbery
  • Kidnapping
  • Assault

Other Factors that Can Lead to Juvenile Charges as an Adult

While Measure 11 is the most common way that a juvenile can be charged as an adult in Oregon, other factors can lead to this outcome. These include:

  • The age of the juvenile: In Oregon, juveniles who are 15 or older can be charged as adults for certain crimes.
  • The severity of the crime: Juveniles who commit serious or violent crimes may be charged as adults, regardless of their age.
  • Previous criminal history: Juveniles who have a history of criminal activity may be more likely to be charged as adults.

What Should You Do If Your Child Is Facing Criminal Charges?

If your child is facing charges that could lead to them being charged as an adult, it is important to seek legal representation immediately. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand your child’s legal options and work to protect their rights. They can also help you navigate the legal system and work to minimize the potential consequences of the charges.

Contact Baxter Law, LLC For Experienced Legal Representation

At Baxter Law, LLC, we have years of experience defending juveniles who are facing criminal charges. We understand the complexities of Oregon law and can help you navigate the legal system with confidence.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you and your child during this difficult time.
